Candidates who have been successful were clearly put forward to apply based on their skills and ability not just because there was a job advert available to apply for a role, this is something to be proud of, making sure that the candidate gets a positive experience as well as the employer having positive candidates for interview who fit the role.
– Inclusion North
Recruiting with DurhamEnable
We provide a tailored recruitment service at no cost to you.
We match you with jobseekers whose skills and needs we know, and who are suited to your business environment.
To make sure you can be confident you are hiring the right person, we can organise a work trial or work experience that can transition into paid employment after a fixed period.
A work trial helps a potential member of staff get comfortable with the workspace and lets them showcase their ability to do the job.
With an interview, many disabled or neurodivergent candidates may find it difficult to sell their strengths and skills to a panel of interviewers. There is no guarantee someone who performs well in an interview will perform well on the job, and you stand to lose money if you need to restart the recruitment process.
With a work trial organised with DurhamEnable, you can recruit with confidence.
Retaining Staff
Staff turnover is a concern for any business, and it is something we look out for as well. We want our jobseekers to be fulfilled and comfortable in their new jobs, and we can help you achieve this.
We can offer you and your staff free training on integrating someone with a disability, autism, or mental health needs into your team.
The ongoing support we provide to our jobseekers in work means we can also identify when they are struggling for any reason, and work with you to resolve the issue.
Working with, and retaining, an inclusive workforce also helps feed a culture of positivity in your company, which can raise morale and improve retention among colleagues. For more information on recruiting with us, get in touch!